36 collar section that has a vane , connected to an actuator , on the inside . This vane attaches to a diaphragm inside the VarioDuct . The fabric ducting has small , dense perforations on the top and large holes on the bottom to promote different styles of air distribution . The fabric ducting is suspended using suspension method 1 : clips that attach to a single cable that is anchored on both walls on either side of the warehouse and running over the rigid supply ducting .
Hi Calibre Engineering ( Pty ) Ltd
36 collar section that has a vane , connected to an actuator , on the inside . This vane attaches to a diaphragm inside the VarioDuct . The fabric ducting has small , dense perforations on the top and large holes on the bottom to promote different styles of air distribution . The fabric ducting is suspended using suspension method 1 : clips that attach to a single cable that is anchored on both walls on either side of the warehouse and running over the rigid supply ducting .
The rigid return air ducting is arranged in a tuning fork configuration , running against the walls of the warehouse , parallel to the rigid supply duct . Return air grilles are installed at regular intervals , facing downward or horizontally into the warehouse , depending on the underlying racking and available space . This was done to promote airflow through the central racking .
The Rooftop Packaged Unit has a mimic screen installed inside the warehouse to monitor alarms and adjust setpoints . A switch was also installed on the same panel that switches the
RACA Journal I July 2023
VarioDuct system between summer and winter conditions . Future automation of the summer / winter switch is possible when a BMS system gets implemented .
The EMS system , Saveris 2 , is a Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 Part 11 ( CFR 21 Part 11 ) accredited monitoring system that is suitable for pharmaceutical use and the first installation in South Africa . It was installed by Testo to monitor the performance of the EMS system . Elements of difficulty in meeting design specifications / installation were as follows :
• All remedial and installation work had to happen alongside the normal operation of the factory .
• As the supply ducting is at a height above 7m , a challenge was presented with getting hot air down to the floor during the winter , without forming hot pockets at high levels during summer .
• Determining where the EMS loggers would need to be located . www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za