RACA Journal August 2023 | Page 7

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On 30 May , Timothy G . Wentz , PE , HBDP | Fellow / Presidential Member ASHRAE , gave the first of a series of three presentations over three weeks to the South African Chapter of ASHRAE . The first was on the topic of A Human Behaviour Approach to Net Zero Energy Buildings hosted by the ASHRAE Society Chapter Technology Transfer Committee ( CTTC ). The following is a relatively complete review of that presentation edited by Eamonn Ryan , with lectures two and three being covered in subsequent issues of RACA Journal .
case study in San Marcos , ( California State at San Marcos

A research conducted by R . Cialdini , et al ) highlights the power of effective messaging . After failed attempts to promote energysaving behaviours , a new campaign emerged with remarkable success . The key to its effectiveness lies in its successful messaging strategy : ‘ 77 % of your neighbours use fans instead of air conditioning to keep cool in the summer ’. This statement encompasses the three essential elements of behaviour change : speaking to the emotional side , appealing to the rational side , and shaping the path .

The emotional aspect is described as the ‘ herd mentality .’ Referring to the majority ( 77 %) of neighbours using fans taps into the desire to fit in and be part of a community . Simultaneously , the rational aspect is engaged by explaining the practical benefits of keeping cool in the summer . By suggesting the path of using fans instead of air conditioning , a clear solution is provided , shaping the behaviour towards energy-saving practices .
This example demonstrates the power of understanding human behaviour in achieving climate and decarbonisation goals . However , it is important to acknowledge that progress in meeting these goals has been falling short . Urgent action is required to align with targets , and the HVAC & R industry must play a significant role .
Looking back at historical achievements , such as the healing of the ozone hole , provides inspiration and hope . Through the Montreal Protocol and subsequent amendments , humanity recognised the damage caused and took collective action . The result is tangible progress in healing the ozone layer . This serves as a reminder that with collective effort and the right tools , we can make a difference in addressing climate change and achieving net zero .
The Paris Accord emphasises the importance of collaboration and focusing on people , particularly their behaviour . By providing
Image from www . freepik . com tools , training , and information , ASHRAE aims to support professionals in guiding clients towards sustainable choices and decarbonisation .
While technical knowledge is vital , it is equally important not to overlook the human behaviour aspect . Numerous books and studies delve into understanding how people think and make decisions . These resources offer valuable insights into influencing behaviour positively . ASHRAE encourages professionals to explore this dimension and expand their understanding of human behaviour , alongside technical expertise .
The global pursuit of net zero emissions has become a critical imperative , necessitating a deep understanding of human behaviour and its integration into design and construction
Timothy G . Wentz , PE , HBDP | Fellow / Presidential Member ASHRAE .
The human brain can be seen as a combination of an elephant ( emotional side ) and a rider ( rational side ) working together

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