RACA Journal April 2024 RACA_April_2024_digital | Page 37

www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I April 2024 35
Project impending winter months . While traditional metrics suggested a typical payback period of five years in a commercial building environment , the unique circumstances of the university ' s energy landscape necessitated a more nuanced assessment .
Universities are substantial consumers of energy , particularly for climate control and student comfort . " Universities are essentially businesses ," Ferdinandi notes . " They ' re in competition with each other , and a comfortable environment is crucial for attracting and retaining students ."
" Some of our biggest clients are universities . Both locally and internationally , universities prioritise comfort and efficiency in their facilities . This is an evolving market and there is a need to adapt to changes in institutional structures and preferences . We are extremely optimistic about the potential for future collaborations as each university has the same issues and load shedding concerns ,” says Ferdinandi .
In terms of project sustainability , Kotze emphasised the importance of demonstrating tangible results to prospective clients , highlighting the importance of the UFS study of its new system . " If we can provide a compelling certified financial report showcasing the savings achieved through our solutions , it provides a blueprint for other universities to take cognisance and follow suit ."
Addressing maintenance , Kotze noted that universities typically have their own maintenance teams for minor servicing , or contracted service providers tasked with more advanced upkeep – in this case DATEC Airconditioning . Additionally , Mitsubishi Electric offers training programmes to ensure that maintenance personnel are equipped to handle the equipment effectively , thus maintaining optimal performance over time . The company recently provided a training course on design for several universities , enabling them to design their own systems which can then simply be endorsed by Mitsubishi Electric and the Engineering Council of South Africa ECSA . The UFS project had a few noteworthy features . The university constructed a dedicated facility for the heat pump cluster . This involved installing the units , tanks and other parts within a dedicated structure . “ It was quite an undertaking , and the university spared no expense in ensuring the facility was well-protected from the elements . This attention to detail was reassuring for us , as it demonstrated a commitment to safeguarding the equipment , which is essential for its longevity and optimal performance .”
In fact , the university showcased the project with great pride at a recent conference attended by various institutions . The heat pump cluster was a highlight of the exhibition , and the university engineers were visibly proud of their accomplishment . “ It ' s always gratifying for us to see our clients take such pride in their projects , knowing that we played a part in their success ,” says Ferdinandi . RACA
Project name : University of the Free State List of professionals Owner
Name of company University of the Free State
Electrical SHC Consulting Engineers
Consulting engineer
Mechanical SHC Consulting Engineers Wet services SHC Consulting Engineers Main contractor DATEC Air Conditioning HVAC & R DATEC Air Conditioning
MCC / DB Manufacturers Control Power Wet services Plumspec Electrical Controls / BMS
Botsepehi Electrical
Atbro Systems Heat pumps Mitsubishi Electric HW Tanks Heat Transfer Engineering
HVAC and associated product suppliers
Pumps Wilo Pumps Energy Valves Belimo Controls Johnson Controls Controls Abtro Systems

www . refrigerationandaircon . co . za RACA Journal I April 2024 35