The dedicated plant room under construction .
The primary focus of the endeavour was to address the soaring energy consumption associated with student accommodation facilities , particularly the usage of electrical boilers . " The running of these five big boilers were hugely inefficient ," remarks Kotze . " They needed an energy-efficient solution that could mitigate these costs without compromising on comfort ."
A heat pump system was consequently selected as a cutting-edge technology that harnesses ambient heat from the environment to provide heating and cooling . By leveraging this solution , the university is already achieving substantial savings while reducing its carbon footprint – though actual performance can only be judged after a full year in operation .
“ Reticulation was required from the plant room to each of the buildings being supplied , involving working inside the residences as well as digging trenches for the piping crossing roads .”
RACA Journal I April 2024
“ The university is taking a cautious approach , opting to run the system for a full year to accurately gauge its impact on energy consumption and cost savings compared to historical usage . It ' s crucial to assess the long-term viability and effectiveness of the system . Only then can we truly quantify the benefits and make informed decisions moving forward ," says Marco Ferdinandi , marketing director : Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioning . The transition to this modern solution , coupled with Mitsubishi ' s cutting-edge technology , promised significant cost savings and energy efficiency . By analysing past expenditure data and projecting future savings , the university aimed to justify the investment and pave the way for broader adoption across its facilities .
He notes that as sustainability continues to gain momentum as a key priority for institutions worldwide , initiatives like the UFS ' s overhaul serve as an example of proactive measures towards a greener future . By embracing innovation and collaboration , universities can not only reduce their environmental impact , but also set a precedent for sustainable practices in education and beyond .
Determining the return on investment ( ROI ) or payback period , while it looks promising , awaits the year-long statistical analysis as it is contingent on various factors such as usage patterns and seasonal fluctuations – especially the
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