of the Year
From networking nights to pub crawls, from doubling
the size of our beloved members to winning club of the
year. It has been a massive year for AMPed to say the
least. 2016 saw AMPed continue to grow in size and
vigour, a trend to continue in 2017. had and a range of high calibre industry
professionals attending. More industry
insights were uncovered at our AMPed
Panel Night where our member’s questions
were answered as well as our International
Business breakfast where our IB students
mingled with the industry’s finest.
We started of the year in style with a
pub crawl that was not to be missed.
With our mates over at QUTASA helping
us celebrate the evening, pubs across
Brisbane CBD had no idea what hit them.
Brains were put to the test at our two trivia
nights, one a collaboration with QUT JAMS
and another more competitive with our
counterparts over at UQ, UQMAS, squaring
off for a giant trophy and naming rights as
the “better/smarter/cooler uni.” Leis were
brought out to send off semester one for
a Hawaiian themed Sunday session and
we suited up for the Studio 54 Business The year to come is to be equally as
exciting with a fresh faced executive team
ready to jam pack the year with the best
events you could ask for. Come and say
hello at O-week so we can let you know
about all events we will be having this
coming semester or check us out on
Ball collaborating with all other business
societies. The year came to a close with
on a similar high at a California Dreamin’
themed barefoot bowls where dressed for
the summer that was to come.
But it wasn’t all partying for our AMPed
members. Careers week in semester
two saw us prepare our members for the
real world with four different professional
workshops ending with the inaugural
networking night at Friday’s Riverside.
The event was an absolute hit with the
highest number of attendees we have ever
Studying advertising, marketing, public
relations or international business? Want
to gain more from your uni experience?
AMPed is the society for you! AMPed
provides students with an advantage when
entering the AMPR and IB fields. Joining
AMPed sets you up with one year of
membership to one of the coolest societies
at QUT. Members receive a variety of
benefits including early-bird discounts to
our events and exclusive on-campus and
off-campus deals.
find out more