CLUBS CESS President of the Year The Civil Engineering Student Society (CESS) aims to improve campus life by providing a way for students to connect to one another across different year levels and engineering disciplines. We host events that engage not just the student community but also the professional community, so that students can expand their professional networks. While the club focuses on engineers, anyone can join. CESS aims to be a platform for students to meet new people and make great friends. Last year was an amazing year for us, and saw the beginning of a strong camaraderie between engineering clubs. Previously, engineering clubs had little communication with one another, and had no solid plans of working together. The goal of my presidency was to bring more cohesion among different engineering societies in addition to an overall improvement of the club. As such, I would regularly attend events from other clubs and be in contact with club presidents who were open minded and willing to try something new. I also had a great team behind me who had the flexibility and dedication to see these changes through and maintain good relationships with these clubs. My thoughts are that we are all engineers at the end of the day, and once we enter the work force we are going to have to work together. We might as well start now and enjoy ourselves! During Semester 1, with the help of the Electrical Engineering Student Society (EESS) and the Mechanical Engineering Student Society (MESS), CESS established the ‘Engineering Games Trivia Night’ in which engineering disciplines had a chance to win a trophy and bragging rights for the year – more than 100 people showed up! 42 Semester 2 brought about an Olympic themed party which was the first of its kind to include all three societies together (CESS, EESS and MESS), also known as the C.E.M. Bash. The three clubs put on a great night with a substantial bar tab and enough neon paint for an art exposition. There are already plans for bigger and better events in 2017. The Engineering Games trivia night will be brought back for the Civil Engineers to claim the trophy! We are looking into securing more construction site tours for our members to participate in throughout the year, while keeping our industry nights relevant to students and their needs. We are also exploring future projects for members to join in on and improve their resumes. Of course it goes without saying, we will be upholding our reputation - hosting the best engineering pub crawls on campus! find out more QUT GUILD QUT_GUILD