an insighT to the
smallest campus
of QUT
To this day, Caboolture Campus
appears to be a mystical place,
the forgotten sibling of the three
QUT campus’. Well I’m here to
tell you that it is not. I’m here to
make Caboolture a little more
real and even bust some myths or
Isn't Caboolture, like... a 3 hour flight away?
Some may think of Caboolture as a sunny,
bogan town – it’s not. I actually had a
Southside friend say to me once, “You came
all the way from Caboolture for a day? Isn’t
that like, a 3 hour flight away?!” Well, uh, no.
I’m sorry to break your illusions but Caboolture
is a suburb just like any other, with shopping
centres, parks and plenty of normal, civilised
and awesome human beings. Caboolture
Campus is just the same as any city campus
as well; only smaller .. oh, and no one’s afraid
to smile at and talk to one another (looking at
you, city goers).
With a canteen on campus as well as all
the food you could possibly want just
around the corner including Burrito Bar
(hello lunch breaks!) and Coffee Club, all
the best things are only a minutes drive
from campus. And if that hasn’t got you
sold, did someone say FREE parking?!
Having a little over 1000 students on
campus may not seem like much, but it’s
a supportive, friendly community that not
everyone gets the chance to experience.
QUT’s newest building, N Block, is a building
just for QUT Students (for those who don’t
know, the campus is shared with TAFE),
with bean bags, lounges, a kitchenette and
quiet and collaborative work spaces.
Since the start of 2016, QUT Guild has
brought to you Exam Support Stalls, Chill
Spaces and plenty of pancakes, as well
as having started up Caboolture’s first ever
society, Creative Industries Society! This
has now been successful across all three
campus’ and continues to rapidly grow. So if
any of you Caboolture QUTies out there have
an interest – why not start a club on campus!
With all of the aforementioned, and the prime
location that is halfway between Brisbane
and the Sunshine Coast, I hope you have all
taken a little something out of this to make
you truly remember the previously forgotten
campus, that is QUT Caboolture. There will
be more updates to come as the QUT Guild
presence grows even more on campus; so
keep an eye out QUTies!
Want to start a
club or society?
Contact Campus Culture at
[email protected]
Interested in Social Sport?
Contact our Sport VP’s at
[email protected]
UNIVERSE is your social hub of everything QUT Guild!
Be sure to keep an eye out for more editions of Universe magazine around campus!