I N T E R N AT I O N A L hello! Hej! We are Vanessa Chan and Julia Hagen, this year’s International Representatives. Apa khabar! Being international students ourselves, we know how amazing it can be to be an international student, but we also know it is not always easy. Coming all the way to another country, a whole new place without a single familiar face around, we know it can make you feel very lost at first. But, we are here to help you! Our goal is to make your uni experience unforgettable. One of our top tips to making uni a great experience is to get involved with clubs. It is a great and fun way to make friends and we all know how important friends are. They can become your family, which can be a great way to bring home a little closer, and can be vital when your family is far away at home. We are therefore very excited to be able to support the international clubs this year, and hoping that many of you are keen to get involved! Another great way to make new friends and to make the most of your uni life is to go to all the fun events, hosted by both the clubs and the Guild. A great way to find out about upcoming events is to like “QUT Guild” on Facebook, where a lot of the events will be advertised. We are going to organise some events for you this year, and you do not want to miss out on them! We are, for example, going to throw a welcome event for you international students in the beginning of this semester, so stay tuned for that.. 那当然,我们也希我可以充分的利用不同 的语言来拉近更多的国际学生关系,也希 望能带给大家更多精彩的活动。我们真的 很感激能够参与Guild, 同时会尽我全能帮 助每一位国际学生在学业或在我范围里帮 到的其他方面。 We are very grateful to have been given this opportunity to guide and assist you international students at QUT, hoping you will all leave with wonderful memories and great stories to tell about your life at uni. Hope to see all of you QUTies soon! XOXO Vanessa and Julia 33