W H AT ’ S O N
tie a toga
The World's Largest Toga Party, brought to you
by the QUT Guild.
Many thoughts may come to mind like, "What is it?", "how does it apply to me?",
"Sounds like the most amazing party ever!" and "I've been, it was great, but how am I
going to find ANOTHER way to tie my Toga?".
Well, fellow students, we at the QUT Guild have you covered... literally.
We’ve prepared our councillors and executive members to show you how it’s done. For a full tutorial, check out our YouTube channel,
QG Universe.
Keep in mind, these are just guides - you can alter and add as much or as little as you’d like! But remember, we’ll be looking for the best
dressed to give away a pretty cool prize! So get creative, this party is for everybody.
Have your toga material ready. Whether it be a bed sheet form K-Mart or a piece from us at the
Guild, they're all the same as long as they're white so whip them out and let's get started...
1 2 3
Hold your Toga material horizontally. Wrap it around yourself (if you’re talented enough)
or get a friend to help. Bring the two corners of the material together over
the shoulder.
Tie the knot. I mean...a knot.
Pin the two ends of the material underneath the arm
(unless you want it extra breezy to show of the rig you’ve
been working hard on for the past 3 years of your life)
DONE! Time to party in the classic, nip-slipping
Toga. #freethenipple