W H AT ’ S O N
I hope you’ve savoured your three
months of holidays, because uni is
back in full swing and it will only be a
few short weeks before assessment
starts to roll in. But don’t let that get
you down – the World’s Largest Toga
Party is back in 2017 and shaping up
to be bigger and better than ever!
Rolling into its sixth year, the World’s
Largest Toga Party this year will be
featuring artists Mashd N Kutcher,
Brooklyn, Rejuvenize and Taleena,
with more rides, market stalls and
bigger after parties than ever before.
Previously held at Riverstage, the Toga
Party was announced as the World’s
Largest Toga Party in 2012 with 3700
people attending. Since 2012, the
event has continued to grow, so
much so that we reached Riverstage’s
8000 capacity in 2015 and have
since moved venues to the Brisbane
The QUT Guild World’s Largest Toga
Party is undoubtedly Australia’s largest
student party and rivals any student
party around the world. Tickets are on
sale throughout O Week and Market
week on campus or follow QUT Guild
on facebook and head to the event
page for all the details and tickets.
Toga packs are also available on
campus until sold out, so get in quick!