Quit Smoking Do You Want To Quit Smoking?

Quit NOW NOT Later !! Why it ’ s Hard to Quit !
Why to Quit Smoking NOW !

Quit NOW NOT Later !! Why it ’ s Hard to Quit !

Quitting cigarettes is the hardest substance to quit . Well , second to junk food , but that ’ s another topic . Cigarettes are ranked harder to quit than cocaine , alcohol , and even heroine . After a while , smoking cigarettes becomes habitual , just like anything else . Essentially , your mind says “ this is what you do daily , so this is what I ’ m used to .” It becomes normal and fulfilling to spark one up after a meal , when you wake up and sip coffee , I ’ ve even seen people spark one up after exercising . However , habits or routines are more linked to the psychological addiction spectrum . This side of the spectrum , on the other hand , is not the prime reason for it being one of , if not THE , hardest addiction to quit . No . It is the fact that after that first cigarette , your BODY begins to believe it ’ s necessary . Food is necessary . Oxygen is necessary . Water is necessary . Though cigarettes are not , your body treats it as if it were food , water , or oxygen . Cigarettes create what is called a physiological addiction .
Your BODY , not just your mind , is addicted to it . Thank the nicotine . The nicotine in cigarettes rush to your brain and create a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction . As if you haven ’ t eaten all day , then you take that first bite of your sandwich . How satisfying . You NEEDED that sandwich , because you were starving . Smokers need the cigarettes as if they were starving . However , it ’ s not really the cigarettes they need , but the nicotine . Nicotine affects the brain as a drug , enabling an increase in the neurotransmitter dopamine , which causes a sense of pleasure . The dilemma is that your body is addicted to nicotine , but your mind is addicted to the ACT of smoking . This is why it ' s best to take up activities that will keep your mind and body occupied .

Why to Quit Smoking NOW !

It ’ s no question as to why you should quit smoking . The majority of the population can admit that cigarettes have a terrible effect on your body , mind , soul , and just your quality of life in general . However , the majority of people also don ’ t know the full risk of smoking cigarettes . Cigarettes do more than just mess your lungs up - even though the damage to them is tremendous . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention label it the leading preventable cause of deaths in the U . S . To put in perspective , automobile accidents are labeled a preventable cause of death . Cigarettes kill more people in the U . S . than car accidents . Actually , it causes more deaths than Human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ), Illegal drug use , Alcohol use , Motor vehicle injuries , and Firearm-related incidents … combined .
Cigarettes are linked to roughly 500,000 deaths annually . That ’ s half of a million people in the U . S . alone that die from cigarettes annually . I ’ m not trying to scare you , but the statistics are . Numbers don ’ t lie . How do cigarettes kill you ? Studies show that smokers are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke , along with a higher risk of