Quinceañera.com E-Magazine NOV 25 XV-MAGAZINE NOV 25 | Page 26


Sept 23 - Oct 22
It ’ s time to learn something new ! During the new moon in Sagittarius , the interest of self-improving will strengthen .


Oct 23 - Nov 21
Moving into your value zone , only money moves will be in your mind . Invest in yourself , it ’ ll be your biggest reward .


Nov 22 - Dec 21
You have the spotlight Sagittarius , it ’ s time to shine as the main character . Use this confidence to your advantage .


Dec 22 - January 19
Focus on recharging your spiritual batteries . Remember that there is hope for the future , take it one day at a time . There ’ s a bright future ahead of you !


January 20 - Feb 18
Make some memories as you enter your social zone ! You are bursting with new ideas and desires , share the abundance with others .


Feb 19 - March 20
As Jupitar moves forward in your sign , this is a time of pure optimism about your ambitions in life . You have the confidence to make it happen Pisces , perhaps a conversation with a mentor will help align your road to success .
Credit : Courtesy of horoscope . com