Quinceañera.com E-Magazine NOV 25 XV-MAGAZINE NOV 25 | Page 25



March 21 - April 19
Love is in the air , embrace these next four weeks of adventure . Those around you will notice a shift of happiness and will want to follow you , be careful of who you let into this circle .


April 20 - May 20
Things are about to get pretty intense ; you might develop a strong bond towards someone you least expected . This time off , strive away from getting too deep into your thoughts . Use this time to make a good deed .


May 21- June 20
The end of the year is near , lay all your cards on the table with your partner . Resolve any lingering conflicts and seal the deal on any agreements . Trust your gut and be your biggest believer .


June 21 - July 22
Don ’ t be surprised you ’ ll be taking on a caregiver role these next few weeks . It is time to stay productive , you have a lot to do before the new year . Use your time wisely and develop good routines .


July 23 - August 22
Expect an extra boost of creativity this week , allow yourself to have fun everywhere you go . Use this time to explore your creative talents , a period of rebirth is approaching .


August 23 - Sept 22
Just in time for the holidays , this week you enter your home zone , where you can take advantage and spend quality time with all your loved ones .