QUILTsocial Issue 4 | Page 19

It was time to start sewing! Time for the design wall and block placement I then started to place these on my design wall (a fancy word for that flannel table cloth taped to the wall). Beside each 6" strip I placed two of the 4" blocks. This really is going to be a rather scrappy yet coordinated quilt so I didn’t spend a lot of time doing this. I did try to have one dark, one light and one medium piece of fabric in each block. I made 5 of these blocks across. In row two I switched the blocks around starting with the two 4" pieces and then the 6" piece. There are a total of 6 rows of 5 blocks for a total of 30 blocks — Yes I had some left overs from my layer cake I could have made the quilt bigger but I wanted a ‘sofa’ quilt, one for her to cuddle up on the sofa and sip tea and watch a movie so by the time I added a couple of borders this was going to be big enough. Shortening my Stitch Length to 2.0 That done, I get my ¼” foot out that came with my machine and get to sewing. I'm a chain 'piecer' so I went to my design wall and took down all my pairs of 4" x 5" squares and sewed them all together using a ¼" seam. To end up with a 4" x 9½" pair. I then took each pair and sewed them to the long side of my 6” x 10” piece of fabric. And no — they didn’t fit exactly, my 4” x 5” pieces which were sewn into pairs now measured 4" x 9½". I still sewed them to the 10” piece of fabric as I was going to square them up after the next pressing. Once all of my blocks were together I set out to square them all up to a nice 9½" square. Time to square up! 9 1/2 X 9 1/2 I sewed those squares together to make rows, pressing each seam open. I love my 1/4" foot--included with my PFAFF Quilt Ambition 2.0! Once they were all sewn together in pairs I went to the ironing board. First I set the seam then proceeded to iron that seam open. Yep, you read that right - open! Then sewed the rows together. The whole quilt top to this point was cut, pieced and pressed and assembled in a day (not a long day just a good steady day, where I managed to cook dinner and read a couple of chapters of a book I just can’t seem to put down). Next…borders. I'm thinking red, for pop! My design wall...all laid out and ready to go First thing I did was wind a nice fresh bobbin on my PFAFF Quilt Ambition 2.0 sewing machine. Then I shortened my stitch length. The default stitch length setting on this machine is 2.5. I shortened it to 2.0. I like a shorter stitch length when I'm piecing. The 2.5 stitch length works great for sewing garments with wider seam allowances but I like that shorter stitch length for my ¼” seams. It's so easy to change the stitch length on this machine that there is really no excuse for me not to. Pressing the seam OPEN I started pressing almost all of my quilting seams open. It makes for a flatter and I think cleaner press and makes free motion quilting or even stitch in the ditch quilting a piece of cake! Photos by Gail Berry-Graham. 19