a quick
Gail Berry-Graham
Using pre-cut layer cakes makes for a quicker project
One night my husband came home and
asked if he remembered to tell me he
had volunteered us to make a quilt for
the secretary from our church who was
retiring? My answer was “No honey, I’m
pretty sure you didn’t tell me that. No
problem though, when do you need it done
by?” His answer? Are you sitting down?
“Two weeks!” Not necessarily something
to panic about IF we weren’t going away
for a week and if I wasn’t working the next
week. I needed a Quick Summer Quilting
Project and I needed it now, there would be
no better time to put my new PFAFF Quilt
Ambition 2.0 sewing machine to the test.
We were going to piece a quilt in the next
two days, while on vacation, so it not only
needed to be quick I needed to be able
to easily pack everything I needed to take
with me. We were driving to this vacation
destination so that made it a bit easi \