Queensland on the Go July 2013 | Page 21


Ann Fletcher , Archives Adviser archives @ guidesqld . org
Your Archives Can you provide air conditioning 24 / 7 ?
Do you have powder-coated steel shelving and a coated concrete floor ?
Do you have unbuffered folder stock to protect the items ?
Do you have acid-free tissue , acid-free containers , archival grade cardboard , archival grade cardboard boxes and large textile boxes to store archival materials ?
Do you have specific vacuum fittings for cleaning precious archives ?
Do you have a Disaster Kit for immediate response to human accidents or natural crises ?
Do you have a warning system in place linked to an external agency , prompt attention available via an alarm to emergency services , sprinklers and fire extinguishers to halt fire , and an alarm against theft ?
Can you guarantee speedy removal to safe storage in an emergency ? Can you back that up with the hire of an industrial fan and dehumidifier if needed ?
If you cannot say yes to the above points , take a moment to consider the benefits of storing your archives for the secure , long term protection of the Queensland State Girl Guide Archive .
But how will you be able to access your archives ?
You could keep copies knowing the precious original is held in an environment where temperature and relative humidity are monitored . You could request information whenever required and borrow your items for special displays .
The State Guide Archive holds our Guiding history to be shared with past , present and future members . Everything must be stored correctly to ensure the stories of our past remain .
Currently the State Archive is housed in the Gould Road building and we have been assured it will stay there at least until the end of this year . After that , it will be moved to an air -conditioned dehumidified area in the new Support Centre .
July 2013 Queensland on the Go Page 21