Robyn Gibbs , Training Manager training @ guidesqld . org
Recording of New Leaders on the
Database Leaders who joined prior to the beginning of 2013 will have their position on the database recorded as Leader Prospective . Those Leaders who are new this year will be recorded as Unit Leader — Interim regardless of whether they are intending to be Unit Leaders or Assistant Unit Leaders .
Reminder for Leader of Adults — DLs , RLs
and Region Team Members Have your say on what the new Management Qualification will look like . Complete the survey at www . research . net / s / YC796LF . The survey will close on 7 July . Help make the perspective of GGQ leaders heard ! If you have any questions on this research , contact me .
Outdoor Leaders The GGA Learning and Development and Outdoors teams are working on finalising a trial version of the Outdoor Learning Passport . This will be set up similar to the Leadership Learning Passport but cater specifically to those who wish to focus on the delivery of outdoor activities to our Members . Outdoor Leaders will not be required to gain a Unit Leader or Assistant Unit Leader qualification . Unit Leaders and Assistant Unit Leaders will still have the opportunity to gain outdoor skills and qualifications without the expectation of gaining the Outdoor Leader qualification .
Leader Handbooks
As a result of Support Centre flooding in late January , GGQ lost 112 Leader Handbooks . The supply of Leader Handbooks has now sold out in Queensland . However , Girl Guides Victoria is willing to sell Queensland Leaders a Leader Handbook to ensure that our Leaders have access to this important resource .
Further Development Modules Many people have been asking what is happening to these and I can finally advise that they are being revised . Some will be released as Outdoor Modules set up in the same format as the Leadership Learning Passport and require assessment , while others will be released as Learning Topics for Leaders to explore those topics most relevant to their girls or themselves personally . The Learning Topics will not be assessed and no certificate will be given on completion .
As a result , the existing Further Development modules that were available on the GGA website have been removed . If you are working on any Further Development modules , you have until 31 December 2013 to complete these if you would like to receive a certificate for them .
Check the GGA website over the coming months as the Learning Topics and Outdoor Learning Modules are finalised and posted there .
National Implementation Project
While the changes to the Leadership Qualification for Unit Leaders and Assistant Unit Leaders are being implemented throughout Australia , the Learning & Development Teams have been working on the next phases of the Implementation Project .
Further Development Modules for Appraisal
From now on , there will be no requirement to complete Further Development modules ( or their equivalent ) for an appraisal .
Suspension of Current Appraisal Process
The current appraisal process will be suspended from 1 July 2013 until February
July 2013 Queensland on the Go Page 19