Queensland on the Go July 2013 | Page 14


Sandy McCarthy , Program Manager program @ guidesqld . org
What plans do you have to participate in the State Good Turn which is ‘ supporting indigenous mothers and their babies ’?
Explore MDGs 4 and 5 . Discover the celebration and joy of welcoming a new life into the family and community . Become aware of the role of the mother during pregnancy and birth . Understand the mother ’ s responsibilities and interaction in the life of the baby .
Raise some money for your geographical area to assist Regional Centres helping women and children in Queensland ’ s North , South , East and West .
Thank you to those Units who have already raised funds and returned the monies to the Support Centre .
Total Raised $ 100


State Good
Turn Funds Raised
Coopers Plains Bilby Tepra Guides
$ 100
Page 14 Queensland on the Go July 2013