Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 35

Todo en contexto Pregunta clave What does a house and its contents tell us about the people who live there? ¡Comunicación! 30 Dos viviendas venezolanas  Presentational Speaking Imagine two very different styles of housing in Venezuela: an apartment in the city or a house in the suburbs; a house on stilts on the shores of Lake Maracaibo or a rancho in the shantytowns above Caracas; a shabono or an hacienda on the open plains. What might be the similarities and differences? Drawing on the knowledge you gained in the reading “Los venezolanos y sus casas” on p. 278, and any additional research you would like to do online, work with a partner to compare and contrast two types of Venezuelan Un shabono en los llanos de Venezuela housing and possible lifestyles of the people who live there. Be sure to take into account architectural style, kitchen and dining room furnishings, family life, food, daily activities, and other factors as you imagine life in the two types of dwellings. Use a Venn diagram or another type of graphic to organize your ideas. As you present your ideas to the class, include illustrations and also ideas on what these types of dwellings might tell you about the people who live there. 31 Una receta venezolana  Presentational Speaking In small groups, research a typical Venezuelan dish. Learn about its origin and ingredients. What region is it from? What can you learn about the people from that region by what they eat? Would this dish seem exotic to someone from the United States? Why? Para decir más What makes it a typical dish from that region of Venezuela? agregar to add Use pictures to tell the class about your dish including a map of asar to grill, roast Venezuela indicating the region where it originated. Show pictures cocinar to cook of your ingredients to help identify them. Using a combination of hervir (ie) to boil visuals and words, tell the class how to make the dish. Use hornear to bake expressions from the Para decir más and Estrategia boxes, and be mezclar to mix rellenar to stuff sure to include a lot of visuals to communicate your ideas. Use a table like the one below to help you organize your information. Una receta venezolana Plato Región donde lo comen Origen Cuándo lo comen Ingredientes Cómo lo hacen Estrategia Review and recycle  Use these words for connecting sentences: primero para empezar para terminar después entonces luego first to begin, to start to end after then then Lección A  |  doscientos ochenta y siete 287