Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 31

Gramática A 2 Pointing Out Someone or Something: Demonstrative Adjectives Use a demonstrative adjective (adjetivo demostrativo) before a noun to point out or draw attention to where someone or something is located in relation to yourself (“this house,” “that car,” etc.). Los adjetivos demostrativos singular plural masculino femenino masculino femenino este vaso (this glass) esta taza (this cup) estos vasos (these glasses) estas tazas (these cups) ese vaso (that glass) esa taza (that cup) esos vasos (those glasses) esas tazas (those cups) aquel vaso (that glass over there) aquella taza (that cup over there) aquellos vasos (those glasses over there) aquellas tazas (those cups over there) When pointing out people or objects that are nearby, use este, esta, estos, or estas (this/ these). Use ese, esa, esos, or esas (that/those) to draw attention to people or objects that are farther away. Call attention to people or objects that are even farther away (“over there”) by using aquel, aquella, aquellos, or aquellas (that/those over there). near speaker (aquí    ) Me gusta esta taza. I like this cup. away from speaker (allí    ) ¿Te gustan esas tazas? Do you like those cups? far away from speaker (allá  ) Prefiero aquella taza. I prefer that cup (over there). Aquella taza Esa taza Esta taza Lección A  |  doscientos ochenta y tres 283