Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 23

Gramática A 1 Go online Grammar Video Stem-Changing Verbs: e ie The verb pensar (to think, to plan) belongs to a special group called stem-changing verbs. In these verbs the e of the stem changes to ie in all its forms except nosotros and vosotros. These verbs are sometimes called “shoe verbs” or “boot verbs” because the forms that take a stem change display the shape of a shoe or boot in the chart. pensar (ie) yo pienso nosotros nosotras pensamos tú piensas vosotros vosotras pensáis Ud. él ella piensa Uds. ellos ellas piensan The verb pensar can have several different meanings depending on its use. When followed immediately by an infinitive, pensar indicates what someone plans or intends to do. Pienso ir a Venezuela. I plan to go to Venezuela. When combined with de, pensar is used to ask for an opinion. Use pensar followed by que to express your opinion or thoughts. ¿Qué piensas de las servilletas rojas? What do you think of the red napkins? Pienso que son bonitas. I think (that) they are pretty. Pensar may be combined with en to indicate about whom or what someone is thinking. ¿En qué piensas? What are you thinking about? Pienso en el verano. I’m thinking about summer. Pensar (ie) is just one of many e ie stem-changing verbs. Others include the following: cerrar (to close), empezar (to start, to begin), encender (to light, to turn on), preferir (to prefer), querer (to want, to love a person), and sentir (to feel sorry, to regret). Note: The verb empezar is used with a when an infinitive follows. Empiezo a estudiar. I am beginning to study. ¿En qué piensas? Lección A  |  doscientos setenta y cinco 275