Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 187

10 ¡De compras! Estrategia Presentational Writing and Speaking Developing language survival skills: regatear Imagina que tienes $500. Haz una lista de la ropa que te gustaría comprar. Incluye los colores y las telas (fabrics) que te gustan. Comparte tu lista con la clase. Most shops and stores in Spanish-speaking parts of the world have a fixed price (precio fijo), and trying to negotiate a lower price would be inappropriate. However, in some instances, negotiating (regatear) the price for an item is a common and accepted practice. For example, street vendors selling clothing, baskets, jewelry, etc., in Panama City would expect you to negotiate with them on prices. How might knowing Spanish help you negotiate a price while visiting a Spanish-speaking country? Do you feel confident enough with your Spanish skills to be able to negotiate a price? 11 En la tienda  Interpersonal Speaking Trabajando en parejas, un estudiante hace de cliente (customer) y el otro de vendedor(a) (salesperson). Alternen en regatear los precios de los artículos en las fotos. MODELO A: ¿Cuánto cuesta el pantalón? B: El pantalón cuesta $70. A: Le doy $60. B: No puedo venderlo a menos de $65. Un poco más Regatear 1 2 3 4 5 6 Is there a flea market where you live? Go there and practice bargaining for items. Learning how to bargain will be beneficial if you travel to a Spanish-speaking country where you can combine this skill with your ability to speak Spanish. Lección A  |  cuatrocientos treinta y nueve 439