By Eamonn Ryan | All images by Eamonn Ryan
Inadequate training of supervisors has emerged in recent years as a cause of many section
54s issued by the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR). Aspasa’s view is that for the
surface mining industry to survive, it needs to develop its supervisors to groom them for
management. This area has consequently become a focal point of training by Aspasa.
Jukskei Quarry.
kills shortages are a major factor
impeding the industry and
need to be addressed. Aspasa is
embarking on an ambitious plan to
provide comprehensive, fully accredited
qualifications in quarry management.
This is being done in partnership with
professional training company Prisma
Training Solutions, and it is currently in
the process of developing curricula to be
used for these purposes.
While all surface mines most likely
already have a strong focus on training
and skills development, the emphasis
of Aspasa is to bring international best
practices to South Africa, derived from
its global sharing of information, and to
raise awareness that the development of
training to address skills shortages can
yield input from fellow countries. South
Africa is not alone in experiencing skills
shortages — it is a global problem and one
suited to being solved jointly.
Nonetheless, South Africa has its
unique characteristics and challenges.
All training needs to align with the Skills
Development Act and be according to the
South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA). It has the Sector Educational
and Training Authority (Seta) to tap for
funding and methodologies.
With poor supervisor training having
been isolated by DMR’s annual report,
says Aspasa director Nico Pienaar, this has
become a focal point for local training.
Aspasa has prepared a paper on the
subject for members, which states: “It
seems as if the industry has forgotten that
supervision is part of management. It
would appear that the welter of industrial
and employment law during the late 70s
and 80s did much to prompt the decline of