Quantico MCCS LIFE OCC-232 Graduation Guide 2019 (November 14-16) | Page 4

r challenges based on the Let finest training in the world. The me first extend my greatest congratulations on your candidate’s ool. Marines and Officers who accomplishments have trained at your candidate are Officer Candidates School. During the Program hand-picked for their outstanding leadership, knowledge, of Instruction, your candidate endured challenges based on the finest dured training in their the world. The Marines and as Officers who have trained your exceptional physical fitness, and proven abilities he candidate at are evaluating hand-picked for their outstanding leadership, knowledge, Marines. They are professionals and selecting are exceptional physical fitness, and their proven abilities as Marines. They those candidates with the potential to lead Marines. The e, professionals at evaluating and selecting training and mentoring are your candidate has received will be those candidates with the as lead a Marines. The training and mentoring your candidate immediately visible and potential will last to for lifetime. has received will be immediately visible and will last for a lifetime. I cting immensely proud of as these candidates as part they are part of a I am immensely proud of am these candidates they are now of now a close knit he close knit organization where our Core Values of Honor, Courage, and organization where our Core Values of Honor, Courage and Commitment are will be Commitment are They prized have above earned personal the achievements. They have prized above personal achievements. title of Marine and earned the title of Marine and will embark on a journey where they will embark on a journey where they will have the privilege to lead and serve will have greatest the privilege to lead force and serve the greatest force to in the Welcome the Marine the fighting in the world. fighting Welcome the world. Marine Corps to family. Corps family. now part of a close knit e and Commitment are d the title of Marine and vilege to lead and serve he Marine Corps family. Semper Fidelis, Semper Fidelis, W.R. Bilenski W.R. Sergeant Major, Bilenski U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Major, U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Major Officer Candidates School Officer Candidates School Sergeant Major orps facebook.com/usmcocs facebook.com/usmcocs