Quantico MCCS LIFE OCC-232 Graduation Guide 2019 (November 14-16) | Page 3

COMMANDING OFFICER’S WELCOME 3 COMMANDING OFFICER’S WELCOME COMMANDING OFFICER’S WELCOME hool where Island en and pecial e future ns and it takes the d nd nes that ng men m into 3 Welcome to Brown Field, home of Officer Candidates School (OCS) and one of the sacred gateways of the Marine Corps, where Welcome to Brown Field, the home Officer Candidates School we of make Marine Officers. Like the Recruit Depots of Parris Island (OCS) and one of the sacred gateways of the Marine Corps, and San Diego, OCS is one where of the few places where young men and we make Marine Officers. Like the Recruit Depots of Parris Island women have the privilege of and earning the title Marine. The special mission and San Diego, OCS is one of the few places where young men of OCS to train, educate, screen, and evaluate the future officers of the women have the privilege of earning the is title Marine. The special mission of OCS is to train, educate, screen, and This evaluate the future Marine Corps. is where we take civilians and prior-enlisted Marines, and officers of the Marine Corps. This is where we take in civilians and find out if they have what it takes – the moral, mental, and physical fortitude prior-enlisted Marines, and then find out if they have what it takes – to be a part of be the the Corps. The Marine Corps has been fighting – the moral, mental, and physical fortitude – to a future part of of the future of the Corps. The Marine and Corps has been fighting and winning our nation’s battles for 244 years, in every clime and place. We winning our nation’s battles for 244 years, in every clime and do so, because of the exceptional Marines that we make. Here at OCS, we place. We are able to do so, because of the exceptional Marines that are entrusted with the young finest men young men and women that America has to we make. Here at OCS, we are entrusted with the finest and women that America has to offer offer and and we we transform them into transform them into Marine Officers. Marine Officers. enant in the Graduation Marine Corps, whether this from OCS and commissioning this weekend Graduation from OCS and commissioning as as a a Second Second Lieutenant Lieutenant in in the the Marine Marine Corps, Corps, whether whether this our family will experience. However, the be one of the proudest days your family will experience. However, the weekend or in the future, will or in the future, will be one of the proudest days your family will experience. However, the challenges will not continue to transform in here. front Your sons and daughters will continue to transform and grow in front challenges and will grow not stop stop here. Your sons and daughters will continue to transform and grow in front of your eyes as they progress r ultimate goal of of leading Marines. The on their your eyes as they progress journey towards their ultimate goal of leading Marines. The their towards their ultimate goal of will leading Marines. challenges your necessary. loved ones and families ot be easy, on but they journey are that necessary. I am challenges your loved ones and families face will not be The easy, but they are I am thankful for – and for your I am support of their – to serve our for great eir commitment – to not serve our great face will be their easy, commitment but they are necessary. thankful for commitment their commitment – and your support of nation, the Marine – Corps, and their fellow Marines. their commitment to serve our great nation, the Marine Corps, and their fellow Marines. Your candidate, and future Second Lieutenant, has volunteered for a mission that is greater than what any one person can Your that candidate, and than future Second Lieutenant, has volunteered for a mission that is greater than red for a mission is greater accomplish alone. They can have overcome alone. all the They tests, have obstacles, and all evaluations this rigorous what any one person accomplish overcome the tests, obstacles, and training program come all the tests, obstacles, and evaluations that this have rigorous training program presented them and have now become part of a of dedicated presented them and now become part of a team. They will be members of an elite team hem and have team. now They become part of a of an elite team of dedicated professionals that live the ethos of will be members Honor, that live of the ethos of Honor, Courage, and Commitment. They will be among professionals who rofessionals professionals that live the ethos Honor, Courage, and Commitment. They will be among professionals who must be able and ready at a be able and ready at a moment’s notice to operate in combat, conflict, and crisis. The nation depends ls who must must be able and ready at a moment’s notice to operate in combat, conflict, and crisis. The nation depends on us. he nation depends on us. it is with great pleasure that we congratulate and welcome you all to the United States on us. Therefore, Therefore, is with great pleasure that we congratulate and welcome you all to the United States Marine Corps it family. Marine family. States d welcome you all to Corps the United Semper Fidelis Bless, Semper Fidelis and and God God Bless, Bless, L. M. Rush Rush Corps Colonel, U L. .S. M. Marine Commanding Officer Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps Officer Candidates School Commanding Officer Corps cer chool Officer Candidates School quantico.usmc-mccs.org quantico.usmc-mccs.org 3