Quantico MCCS LIFE OCC-232 Graduation Guide 2019 (November 14-16) | Page 12

12 BEFORE YOU ARRIVE 5 WHAT TO PACK Bringing the correct clothing and other goods can make your time on Quantico much more enjoyable. Here are some things to keep in mind when stocking your suitcase: • Prepare for unpredictable weather and make sure you have an umbrella if you’re visiting in the spring or summer. Sudden rain storms aren’t uncommon. • There is a lot of walking so make sure you wear shoes that are comfortable. You may also have to walk up bleachers during graduation. • You’ll want to have a camera to make sure you capture every proud moment, especially at graduation. • If you’re bringing prescription medication, make sure it’s in its original container with the original prescription label. • Many of our events are casual, but the attire for graduation is business casual. TIPS FROM PAST GUESTS We’ve had a lot of incredible families come through MCB Quantico and we’ve asked them to share some tips and advice with you. Here are the top tips:  Arrive early for events to get the best seats.  Participate in as many events as you can.  Plan for 45-90 minutes of traffic if you are staying off base and planning to travel via I-95 or Rt. 610. Northern Virginia traffic can be extremely heavy, especially during rush hours.  As exciting as graduation is, try to relax a little. It’ll make your experience more enjoyable.  During liberty, try to spend as much time with your candidate as possible. They have so much they want to share with you! facebook.com/usmcocs