Auerbach MA, White ML, Bhargava S, Zaveri P, Seelbach EB, Burns RA,
Mehta R, McAninch B, Fein D, Chang TP, Kessler DO. Are Graduating
Pediatric Residents Prepared to Perform Infant Lumbar Punctures? A
multi-institutional descriptive study. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2016:
doi:10.1097/PEC.0000000000000914. October, 2016 Peterson DT, Daniels A, Wong N, Kolbe M, Krogh K, Watts PI.
Debriefing the debriefer: Take Faculty Development to the Next Level.
17th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando,
FL. January, 2017
Mallory LA, Calaman S, White ML, Doughty C, Mangold K, Lopreiato
J, Auerbach M, Chang TP. Targeting Simulation-Based Assessment
for the Pediatric Milestones- A Survey of Simulation Experts and
Program Directors. Acad Pediatr. 2015. pii: S1876-2859(15)00287-9.
doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2015.09.007. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26456040.
October, 2016
Larson-Williams LM, Youngblood AQ, Peterson DT, Zinkan JL, White
ML, Hussein A, Matalks L, Epps SN, Tofil NM. Interprofessionalm,
multiple step simulation course improves pediatric resident and nursing
staff managmeent of pediatric patients with diabetic ketoacidosis.
World Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 2016. p212-218:5(4)
doi:10.5492/wjccm.v5.i4.212. November, 2016
Kessler D, Peterson DT, Bragg A, Lin Y, Zhong J, Duff J, Adler M, Brown
L, Bhanji F, Davidson J, Grant D, Cheng A. Causes for pauses during
simulated pediatric cardiac arrest. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. doi:
10.1097/PCC.0000000000001218. April, 2017
McKenzie CT, Tilashalski KR, Peterson DT, White ML. Effectiveness of
In Situ, Standardized Patient Simulations in Teaching Dental Students
Clinical Communication Skills. Journal of Dental Education. April, 2017
Hitchcock L, Peterson DT, Debiasi L, Shipman S, Varley A & White ML.
Learning about Poverty through Simulation: A Pilot Evaluation. Journal
of Social Work Education. June, 2017
Peterson DT, Watts PI, Epps C, White ML. Simulation faculty
development: A tiered approach. Simulation in Healthcare. 2017. 12(4).
August, 2017
Peterson DT, Hitchcock L, Debiasi L, Shipman S, Varley A & White ML.
Educator Resource Guide for Poverty Simulations. Council on Social
Work Education, Center for Social Development. Curricular Guide for
Economic Well-Being Practice. April, 2017
UAB Quality and Safety Annual Report
Zaveri P, Kessler D, Doughty CB, French HL, Kou M, White ML,
Auerbach M, Chang TP, Bonz J, Bagby LB, Lemke D, Scherzer DJ.
Teach and Assess Procedural Skills like an Expert: The LSPPDM
Approach. 17th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in
Healthcare. Orlando, FL. January, 2017
Welch-Horan T, Lemke DS, Doughty CB, Bagby LB, Basero P, Khattab
M, Patricia KE, Peterson TB, Rus MC, White ML, Arnold JL. Rapid
Cycle Deliberate Practice: Structure and Practical Application. 17th
Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, FL.
January, 2017
Watts P, Belle A, Cooper J, Dailey K, Langston S. Facilitating Simulation
Experiences: The Art of ESP’ing. 17th Annual International Meeting on
Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, FL. January, 2017
Ng G, Diederich E, Peterson DT, Rock L, Simon R, Szyld D, Watts P,
Belle A, Rudolph J. Improving debriefing skills through peer observation
and feedback. 17th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in
Healthcare. San Diego, CA. January, 2017
Onello R, Peterson DT, Daniels A, Wong N, Kolbe M, Krogh K, Belle A,
Watts P. Debriefing the debriefer: A tool for faculty development. 17th
Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego,
CA. January, 2017
Peterson DT, Register SJ, White ML. Modeling Interprofessional
Behavior: High Expectations, High Regard. The National Academies of
Practice Annual Meeting & Forum. Philadelphia, PA. March, 2017
White ML et al.. Juggling Many Balls and Spinning Many Plates:
Exploring Multi-Patient Simulation. International Pediatric Simulation
Society Symposia & Workshops. May, 2017
White ML. Getting Your Sim On. SHEA/CDC Outbreak Response
Training Program. Philadelphia, PA. June, 2017