Quality and Patient Safety Annual Report 2017 Quality & Safety Annual Report 2017 | Page 53

Belle A, Marshall T, White ML. Interprofessional Lung Transplant Simulations: Accreditation Best Practice. 17th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, FL. January, 2017 Peterson DT, Hitchcock LI, Varley A, Debiasi L, Shipman S, White ML, Register SJ. Learning about Poverty through Large Scale Interprofessionals Simulations. 17th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, FL. January, 2017 Bagby L, Perkins F, Stewart C, Reeves L. Using Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice to Train for Management of Assaultive Patient Behavior. 17th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, FL. January, 2017 Tofil N, Brown L, Lin Y, Zhong J, Peterson DT, White ML, Grant V, Gotttesman R, Sudikoff SN, Adler M, Marohn KL, Doan Q, Cheng A. Workload of Team Leaders and Team Members During a Simulated Sepsis Scenario. 17th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, FL. January, 2017 McKenzie C, Tilashalski K, Peterson DT, White ML. Teaching Clinical Communication Skills to Dental Students Using High-Fidelity Simulation. American Dental Education Association. Long Beach, CA. March, 2017 Debiasi L, Hitchcock L, Shipman S, Peterson DT, White ML, Varley A. Interdisciplinary Poverty Simulations to Improve Students’ Understanding of Poverty. Alabama League for Nursing Annual Conference. Birmingham, AL. March, 2017 Watts P, Peterson DT, Brown M, Leon K, Smith T, Clark D, Bolus N. Designing an Interprofessional Intensive Care Unit Simulation Using Standards of Best Practice. 16th Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference. Washington, DC. June, 2017 Belle A, Ellison J, Lindsey BF, White ML. Implementing New Hospital Processes Using Interprofessional In Situ Simulation: Neuro IR Alerts. 17th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, FL. January, 2017 Koppelmann T, Smith B, Mathews D, White ML. 3-D Lung Model for Surgical Evaluation and Simulati on of Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformations. International Pediatric Endosurgery Group. London, England. July, 2017 Koppelmann T, Smith B, Mathews DL, Maizlin I, Mortellaro V. 3-D Lung Model for Surgical Evaluation and Simulation of Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformations. Society of Asian Academic Surgeons 2nd Annual Meeting. Birmingham, AL. September, 2017 Berlin A, Bagby L, West N, Jones H, Kennedy K, White ML. Developing a Procedural Simulation Curriculum for Vascular Access Device Insertion. 6th Annual Research and Innovation in Medical Education. Birmingham, AL. September, 2017 Turner H, Belle A, White ML. Interactive Tabletop Simulation for Testing Workflow Processes. 6th Annual Research and Innovation in Medical Education. Birmingham, AL. September, 2017 White ML, Zinkan JL, Smith G, Peterson DT, Youngblood A, Dodd A, Parker W, Strachan S, Tofil N. Comparison of recidivism rates for a teenage trauma prevention program after the addition of high fidelity patient simulation. Traffic Injury Prevention. June, 2017 Peterson DT, Wingo N, Brown M, Watts P. Exploring Hidden Curricula in an Interprofessional ICU Simulation. Journal of Interprofessional Care. April, 2017 Watts PI, Belle AL, Langston SB, Cooper J, Smith TS. The Art of ESP’ing: Effective Facilitation of Simulation Experiences. 16th Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference. Washington, DC. June, 2017 www.uabmedicine.org 51