Quality and Patient Safety Annual Report 2017 Quality & Safety Annual Report 2017 | Page 17

This is recognized as an excellent way to connect frontline staff with the Quality and Patient Safety department – not only as a way to provide education about safety concerns from the viewpoint of the caregivers, but also to demonstrate the organization’s commitment to creating a culture of safety. The overall goals of patient safety rounds are to: • Ensure that a systematic process is in place for identifying, prioritizing, and implementing solutions to patient safety opportunities • Provide opportunities for identifying, reporting, and resolving issues contributing to near misses and adverse events • Foster transparency and a just culture by encouraging staff to discuss patient safety concerns and events The process is an informal one and focuses on patient safety-related topics. All staff working in the area are encouraged to participate in the discussion, and all comments are confidential. Discussions are documented only for purposes of identifying issues and are focused on the system or area, not on the individual, so neither names nor identifiers are documented. For FY2017, over 1,000 staff members were interviewed. A few examples of what we have learned and actions taken: CONCERN ACTIONS TAKEN Safety belts for gait training Safety belts have been ordered Dual grab bars needed at scales to prevent patient falls Grab bars are currently being installed in all clinics IV access attempted several times on hard- to-stick patient Escalation process developed Experiencing difficulty in measuring weight of patients who cannot stand on scales Wheelchair-accessible scales have been ordered Lack of tools to help decrease falls in high- risk patients Chair alarms made available on units Need handheld shower heads to safely shower patients and prevent falls Handheld shower heads are being evaluated for installation With healthcare systems on a never-ending journey toward quality improvement, UAB created an electronic database for ambulatory clinics and inpatient units to display their quality and performance improvement projects. The Quality and Performance Improvement Project database is located in the Research Electronic Data Capture System (REDCap). Each month, Quality and Patient Safety coordinators visit inpatient units and ambulatory clinics across UAB Medicine to conduct patient safety rounds, asking frontline staff if they have any patient safety concerns. QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DATABASE Through utilization of the Quality and Performance Improvement database, ambulatory and inpatient teams facing process hurdles can query the database to identify prior projects on similar issues. The sharing of project successes and failures cultivates a collaborative approach for overcoming mutual challenges. The database encourages synergy and accountability, reduces redundancy, and eliminates silos. Shared ideas, information, and best practices promote quality and performance improvement. QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PER CATEGORY PROJECT PATIENT SAFETY ROUNDS 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 NUMBER OF PROJECTS PER CATEGORY n Improved Patient Experience n Improved Throughput n Cost Reduction n Patient Safety n Reduced Variation in Treatment n Infection Prevention n Timelines of Care n Improved Employee Experience n Revenue Enhancement www.uabmedicine.org 15