QC 2e Lvl 1 Social Emotional Learning | Page 8

personal thoughts , emotions , narratives , and beliefs . We encourage all teachers to provide students with a safe space to be open and honest .
What are the components in the ¡ Qué chévere ! Social Emotional Learning Activities ?
There are four components to the component : Journal Entry , Exit Ticket , Cultural Reflection , and End of Unit Reflection . Each component is aligned with the theme of the unit and reinforces comprehension of the unit ’ s essential question .
Journal Entry
Each journal entry is designed to be used as a positive way to begin class . There are at least two journal entries for each unit . Teachers are encouraged to review each journal entry and decide where best to place the journal topic in their unit plans . For example , Journal Entry I would work best near the beginning of the unit , and Journal Entry II later in the unit . Each journal entry should take no more than 10 minutes . These can be used to transition into a whole-group discussion or as a stand-alone activity .
Exit Ticket
Each exit ticket is designed to be a reflective closing to the class period . There are at least two exit tickets for each unit . Again , teachers are encouraged to review each exit ticket before assigning to students because many of the exit tickets correspond to a particular lesson highlighted in the unit . The exit tickets should take no more than five minutes and are intended to provide teachers with a snapshot of students ’ understanding of the content . These can be used as a formative assessment before moving on to the next day ’ s lesson . Additionally , their purpose is to help students become more conscious of what they are learning in class .
Cultural Reflection
The cultural reflections align to the Lectura informativa and Lectura at the end of each Lección . The purpose of these activities is to emphasize cultural understanding while linking new perspectives to students ’ own lives . The readings provided in the student text often deal with larger themes such as conservation , bullying , poverty , and self-image . It is important for students to grapple with these themes in an authentic way that allows them to draw parallels with their own lives while simultaneously providing a platform for them to share their own stories .
End of Unit Reflection
The End of Unit Reflection promotes lifelong language learning . These activities allow students to reflect on their own learning , set goals , and find enjoyment in the journey . Teachers want students to discover the joy , enrichment , and power of learning a second language . This resource encourages students to celebrate their progress while demonstrating their knowledge .
© Carnegie Learning , Inc . ¡ Qué chévere ! 1 , Social Emotional Learning vi