QC 2e Lvl 1 Social Emotional Learning | Page 7


What is Social Emotional Learning ?
According to the Collaborative for Academic , Social , and Emotional Learning ( CASEL ), “ Social emotional learning ( SEL ) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions , set and achieve goals , feel and show empathy for others , establish and maintain positive relationships , and make responsible decisions .” SEL is an approach to learning that focusses on the mental , social , and emotional health of students . The need for the implementation of SEL is supported by research . For more information about SEL , visit the website of the Collaborative for Academic , Social , and Emotional Learning ; https :// casel . org /.
Why should teachers incorporate Social Emotional Learning into their lessons ?
Social Emotional Learning is essential for adolescent development because it promotes self-efficacy , relationship building , empathy , conflict resolution , problem solving , and teamwork . SEL also supports students ’ ability to look at other perspectives and draw parallels , as well as emphasize the need for lifelong learning . The use of SEL resources in class allows teachers to have meaningful and crucial conversations with their students , as well as contribute to their students ’ ability to view the world through an empathetic lens .
The purpose of adding SEL components to the World Language curriculum is to engage students in introspective reflection while considering global implications . The ¡ Qué chévere ! Social Emotional Learning Activities resource is aligned with each level and each unit of the ¡ Qué chévere ! program , and it is designed to be used in conjunction with the ACTFL World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages .
In the World Language classroom , what language is the most appropriate for Social Emotional Learning activities ?
Because SEL requires a more in-depth reflective process which may be a new skill , students should complete the ¡ Qué chévere ! SEL activities in English until they develop enough proficiency to slowly transition towards the target language . In Level 1 of this component , the questions are in English , and students will answer most of the questions in English . In Levels 2 and 3 , some questions are in the target language , based on the complexity of the vocabulary and syntax used . Students will be given the choice of responding in English or in the target language , or they will be directed to respond in the target language , based on the complexity of the activity .
How do teachers assess Social Emotional Learning activities ?
It is not recommended that any of the SEL activities be graded . The purpose of the activities is to generate a more empathetic and reflective view of the students ’ own lives , along with the world in which they live . It is important that students understand there is no one right answer , and that their perspectives are valued and appreciated . By assigning a grade to an SEL activity , students may not be as willing to engage or share their
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