Q4 portfolio Q4 Portfolio | Page 20

Living day to day is not enough . Not happy with my daily routine , going to school is banal , waking up in the morning is the biggest challenge I face and sometimes I wish that I could just melt into my warm and cozy bed , making it so I never have to get up ever again . Little by little I ’ m losing my motivation , I went from being an over excited over active person to becoming non productive and under achieving . When did living my life become such a chore ? Is this something all teenagers go through or is this just me ? Every time I get a burst of life and ideas for things I want to do I end up re watching television shows that I don ’ t even find entertaining . I can ’ t be left alone I need people to distract me from the thoughts in my own head . At times it is like I ’ m just watching my life pass me by . It is almost as if I ’ m not there anymore