White Feminism
Intersectional feminism or just real feminism, It is the polar opposite of “white feminism”
“White Feminism is about as feminist as Donald Trump is qualified.
As Kim Kardashian is talented.
She calls herself intersectional but shows up dressed up as a Mexican with a sombrero on Halloween.
White feminism sees
Taylor Swift as a feminist Icon but thinks Nicki Minaj and Beyonce should put on some pants.
Thinks Kylie Jenner invented “boxer braids” But when Zendaya shows up in dreadlocks “it looks like she
smokes a lot of weed.”
“White feminism” is not a fan of its name.
Because “there is a special place in hell for women who take down other women.”
And our “obsession with race” is ridiculous, because all women struggle
“Haven’t you heard of the 74 cents to the dollar gender gap?”
Besides we don’t see color
“White feminism” claims she will break the glass ceiling for all of us but instead just lets us get cut by the
White feminism is trendy, she wears urban outfitters and drinks bubble tea. But her activism does not go
any further than an instagram post.
White feminism will never pass up an opportunity to speak out even if it means stealing the platform for
women of color.
White feminism is as fake as Melania Trump’s breasts, as fake as the meat in a McDonald’s Burger.
White Feminism is not real feminism it is white supremacy .