You are smart, loving and sometimes you are funny.
Well, actually you are really funny.”
I did not like the ending of my piece because I was not able to find something to
say at the end. Since this piece was more personal I did not have anyone read it.
I edited a little bit there and again but not that much time because I had a real life
deadline and had to get it done before mothers day.
The Flight Q4 18
The flight is a piece of prose that I wrote based off my spring break vacation to
Spain. I went by myself, my grandparents flew me out and I was all alone for a
very long day of flying. The piece is about what was running through my head
while I was all by myself and only had my thoughts and could not speak to
anyone. I liked this piece because while traveling I kept a journal and this piece
was based of my first entry. This piece was passed around in the paper pass and
I was given a lot of helpful feedback. One thing a lot of people said was that it
didn’t seem like a story and that makes sense because pretty much what I did
was add a lot more to my entry but not try to change it. So that was what I tried to
do like I made not necessarily a bout myself so other people could relate.
“Saturday morning I wake up and walk downstairs, I can barely hold in my
excitement. I have never been to Europe and I could not wait. As I got to the
airport the check in line was very long and that was when it hit me. “ I really liked
this quote because it makes people want to read it and it really sounds like what
someone would be thinking before a vacation like this. “After 24 hours of flying I
was happy to be on vacation and meeting up with my grandparents who were
waiting for me. I was ready to begin my journey in a new country. “ The ending
was ok but it wasn’t special.
Unsatisfied Q4 19
This piece of prose is mainly about feeling unsatisfied like something is missing .
I don’t really like this piece because it is boring and it is just an interior
monologue but since I did not write too many pieces I needed to include it. So
this piece is unfinished and I have decided to abandon it because it was going no
where. I’m a little upset because I had big hopes for this piece and I had people
read the beginning and they told me that they liked it and I tried to make changes
and add more to it but it just was not working for me.” Little by little I’m losing my
motivation, I went from being an over excited over active person to becoming non
productive and under achieving.” I liked this part because I feel like people could
relate to it.