Q2 2023 Philippine Retailing Magazine Q2 2023 PRA Magazine | Page 10



Manila-based agency Homonym , pioneers of Sonic Branding in the Philippines , has officially partnered with the Philippine Retailers Association ( PRA ). This bright and promising sound adventure kicked off with the launch of PRA ’ s very own Sonic Identity and Brand during their Q1 General Membership Meeting last March 16 , 2023 .
Homonym Founder and CEO Mike Constantino had this to say about the launch : “... with PRA being the pulse and voice of the retail industry for the past 46 years , there was so much rich history to build on when we created their Sonic Logo . And we ’ re beyond grateful to be able to literally give them that pulse and voice through Sonic Branding .”
Crafted via Homonym ’ s home studio , Sunny Side Sound , the PRA ’ s Sonic Logo will be utilized in their social content , walk-in music for their board of directors and executives and upcoming events like the 29th National Retail Conference and Stores Asia Expo ( NRCE ).
not necessarily associated with our usual music and audio world . The PRA is a perfect example of us reaching out to help retailers – respected marketers and branding professionals themselves – utilize the power of sound to uplift customers / store staff to help generate more sales .”
The collaboration opens the doors for active PRA members to utilize Homonym ’ s services at a preferred rate . The sonic agency can help retailers strategize and create their brand ’ s sound and differentiate themselves in this highly competitive space . They ’ re also providing their fully-digital plug-and-play Music Curation Service . This includes real-time uploading of retailers ’ messages – which Homonym ’ s studios also produces in-house – featuring meticulously curated international and local hits ( made possible by PRA ’ s long-time partnership with FILSCAP ).
Active PRA members can reach out to the PRA secretariat at info @ philretailers . com or to Homonym at yo @ homonym-inc . com for inquiries and opportunities .
PRA Secretary General Evelyn Salire explained the value and importance of the partnership : “ We ( PRA ) are always on the lookout for the latest innovations and technologies to help our members achieve their goals . Mike and I reconnected during the pandemic as we were curious how music can help our members refresh their stores and establishments after a tough past couple of pandemic years . We , along with our members , are excited to be on this audio journey with Homonym .”
Constantino adds : “ 2023 has been a year of Homonym exploring more collaborations , especially with industries and fields that are

The Role of Experience and Innovation in Leading Family Businesses in Retail

While experience and innovation are often seen as separate concepts in the business world , combining them can lead to tremendous growth and success for companies . As the retail industry continues to evolve , the ability to adapt and innovate is becoming increasingly important . But how can businesses balance the need for innovation with the benefits of experience and established practices ?
Let us provide you with an insightful discussion on the topic through PRA ' s Let ' s Talk Retail 34th episode , which features Neelam Gopwani , the Managing Director of House of Branded Lifestyle , Inc . ( HOBLI ). In this episode , we delve into the ways that businesses can harness the power of experience and innovation to achieve success and drive growth in the dynamic retail landscape .
Also , Neelam shared her insights on the post-pandemic retail landscape , highlighting the need for businesses to adjust and adapt to the new reality .
( From left to right ): PRA ’ s Ivan Verzonilla , Mayan Sangil , Ana Marie “ BM ” Miranda , Evelyn Salire with Homonym ’ s Mike Constantino , CJ Araneta and Cham Perillo
According to Neelam , the pandemic has blurred the lines between online and offline retail , creating a new business model where both channels are intertwined . As businesses continue to navigate the challenges of the post-pandemic era , it is crucial to embrace digital transformation as a key driver of success .
When asked if online will replace the brick and mortar stores , she said “ online will not replace the brick and mortar . When it comes to the culture of the Philippines , it ’ s not a shopping experience ... you don ’ t go just to buy a certain thing , you are in the mall to experience a lot of things – whether it is a movie or dining out .
That shopping experience is very important , you just need to make a way to merge the both of them , to make it one business model instead of two .”
On the other hand , to learn about Neelam ' s insights on using influencers to reach your market and achieve sustainability goals , check out the PRA ' s Let ' s Talk Retail 34th episode on their YouTube channel and Spotify account . By tuning in , you can gain valuable knowledge on how to effectively adjust and adapt to thrive in the constantly evolving retail landscape .