Q1 2024 Philippine Retailing Magazine Q1 2024 | Page 4

Ushering a New Dawn for Retail :


By Mayan Sangil , Co-Editor in Chief , Philippine Retailing Magazine and PRA Deputy Secretary General for Advocacy & Communications
In the ever-dynamic landscape of the Philippine retail sector , a revolution quietly unfolds , driven not only by consumer demand but also by technology ' s transformative power . Among the leaders at the frontlines of this digital revolution is Mr . Benjamin B . Azada , the Executive Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer of Converge ICT Solutions Inc ., a man whose journey is not just about personal success but about how connectivity and progress can transform industries for economic growth .
Azada ’ s journey began with a degree in Industrial Engineering from UP Diliman , where he laid the foundation for his career . He spent most of his professional life in the field of management consulting , working with international networks across Southeast Asia and Greater China . However , it was a fateful encounter with Dennis and Grace Uy , the founders of Converge , that set his course toward a new horizon . “ I was very impressed with their vision for digitizing the country and serving the underserved , and immediately I wanted to contribute to the cause ” Azada recalls , reflecting on his decision to join Converge during the pandemic .
As the world grappled with the challenges posed by the pandemic , the inadequacies of digital connectivity became glaringly apparent , particularly within the retail landscape . Azada witnessed the struggles of businesses , both large and small , in adapting to the new reality . “ A very small percentage of Filipino consumers and Filipino businesses were connected with quality , reliable connectivity , fiber connectivity ,” he explains , highlighting the pressing need for robust internet solutions .
For Converge , the mission extended beyond the mere provision of services ; it was about empowering businesses to thrive in an increasingly digital world . Azada emphasizes the pivotal role of fiber connectivity in revolutionizing the retail industry , enabling seamless integration across the supply chain and unlocking new avenues for growth . “ To do that , you really need good connectivity and a common data platform ,” he asserts , underscoring the transformative power of technology .
In the narrative of retail evolution and the intertwined relationship between technology and retail , Converge ICT Solutions emerges as a pivotal player , bridging the gap between innovation and implementation . Azada highlights the significant transformation underway in the retail landscape , where digital and physical realms converge to redefine the customer experience .
“ Retail is changing ,” Azada notes , “ The whole customer experience is evolving , with trends like online shopping and the integration of digital features in brick-and-mortar stores .” Recognizing the importance of reliable connectivity in enabling these innovations , Converge positions itself as a reliable ally to retailers , offering tailored internet solutions to support their evolving needs .
Central to Converge ’ s value proposition is fiber connectivity , underscoring the company ' s dedication to facilitating the digital transformation of the retail sector . Azada elaborates on the challenges posed by the country ’ s complex logistics landscape , with its thousands of islands and isolated communities . “ It ’ s no easy feat to ensure goods are in the right place at the right time ,” he explains . However , by leveraging fiber connectivity , businesses can seamlessly share information across the entire value chain , from manufacturers to retailers . This not only optimizes logistics but also expands market reach , empowering retailers to tap into new opportunities through online channels .
The rapid expansion of Converge across the country has been nothing short of remarkable , particularly in rural areas where internet access was once limited . Azada attributed this success to strategic investments and decisive actions during the pandemic . “ We capitalized on the momentum ,” he explains , “ accelerating our rollout and bolstering our network infrastructure .” Through initiatives like the development of inter-island subsea networks and the acquisition of international capacity , Converge has solidified its position as a nationwide broadband provider , ensuring fast and reliable internet access even in the most remote corners of the Philippines .
Beyond its foundational role in reshaping retail connectivity , Converge ICT Solutions extends its support to SMEs as well as large enterprises with tailored solutions aimed at enhancing efficiency and driving growth .
“ We strive to cater to businesses of all shapes and sizes ,” Azada explains . “ From local online sellers to expansive enterprises , we aim to provide connectivity solutions and services that match their unique requirements .” Converge ' s commitment to flexibility extends beyond mere connectivity ; the company is venturing into offering value-added services atop its connectivity solutions . For instance , they have introduced Workplace Device Solutions to enhance operational efficiency for small and medium enterprises , as well as cloud services for larger enterprises , and they are planning to expand their portfolio further in the coming months and years . This adaptability is further exemplified in their approach to bandwidth allocation . “ We offer flexible time-of-the-day packages ,” Azada elaborates , “ allowing businesses to adjust their bandwidth according to their operational hours .” This adaptability empowers retailers to manage their connectivity effectively , facilitating smooth operations from point-of-sale transactions to supply chain coordination .