PVSD_AnnualReport21-22 | Page 3


Message from the Superintendent

Dear PV Families and Community , Over the course of this school year , we were able to return to school in a manner closer to the " normal " we know . We embraced being BACK TOGETHER . It was a long couple of years getting to this point and we treasure the opportunity to MOVE FORWARD . The continued support of our parents and guardians , as well as our community members , is deeply appreciated . It truly takes a village ! It is my hope that you realize the benefits of your contributions to the experiences of our students , whatever they may be . We invite you to learn more about our district in this report and celebrate with us as we MOVE BEYOND . Sincerely , Dr . Barbara A . Russell , Superintendent
School Board of Directors


The members of the Perkiomen Valley School Board during the 21-22 school year included : Dr . Tammy Campli , Matt Dorr , Sarah Evans-Brockett , Don Fountain , Rowan Keenan , Dr . Reena Kolar , Kim Mares , Jason Saylor , and Laura White .
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