of happiness—to secure these rights, we look not to a government instituted by other men, deriving its power from external means of propriety, but to one of self-governance by which all men seek and abide by the power within.
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the individual to alter or abolish it by instituting a new way of seeing the ordinance and applications of natural law to oneself based upon the foundation of principles that lie within one’s own heart, organizing the self in such form that no group of men or individual can impede upon their safety and happiness.
When an organization of officials seek to enumerate abstract individualities into finite, redundant laws, it has overstepped its purpose and usefulness, thus standing in direct opposition of the freedom of all separate individuals in vain attempt to monitor the collective, nudging them into a preconceived, generic structure of false precepts.
This has resulted in an inevitable long train of abuses and usurpations either unintended or malicious, whereby whatever the motive, the free person is transgressed and hindered. It is our right as an individual to shrug off such government and provide ourselves as the guards of our own security.
For this proclamation of freedom from such an environment, we must actualize certain truths from within ourselves and our own perceptions of the status of our physical surroundings, in that we only see what we have chosen to see, and allow only the taking of power what we have been willing to forgo. These transgressions we see in our world structure come only from the broken connection to our self, made manifest into our own fears ruling over us. This must be accepted foremost; otherwise these and proceeding claims will fall short of providing such freedom and reclamation of personal pursuits.