Pure Path; Divine Wisdom for Your Divine Life April 2014 | Page 12

Decloration of Self Independence

Excerpt from: We Hold These Truth's to be Self Evident...Where is the Self in Government by Rev. Robert Wright CPT

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for a person to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another in order to seek the light within that has been encumbered by the mounting storm of misguided group think that inhibits the empowerment of individuality and its proper place to flourish, separate from, but connected fruitfully to the whole, the person must proclaim independence from such infringements they have allowed to infiltrate their own well being.

For such independence to be manifest, each person must hold only themselves accountable to self evaluation while accepting the onus of having bequeathed one’s independence to an external source from the onset. Once ownership of the truth that we have chosen to give away our empowerment, we may then reclaim that which is solely ours and see a truly cohesive union of individuals, all expressing uniquely and harmoniously, free from past oppression and making impossible the reemergence of it in the future.

We hold that these truths are evident within the self, that all men are created equal, and all have been endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights springing forth from within, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—