Pure M Magazine Issue 4 Feb. 2015 | Page 57

Jessica Pritzel Everybody Needs a Little Love Review by Dave Simpson Music has long been the passion of Dublin born artist Jessica Pritzel. Exercising her love of performing both solo and as part of various ensembles since her early years, the singer has partaken in live shows all around Ireland. More recently, Pritzel has been steadily building up her profile, appearing on RTE’s The Voice of Ireland and working on recording her own material for release. Her new single, “Everybody Needs a Little Love”, hit the digital market on January 2nd. It’s a gentle and emotional piano piece that serves as a perfect showcase for Pritzel’s powerful voice. As the track’s pleasant melody develops, she impresses by hitting some strikingly high notes and demonstrating a wide vocal range. The piano keys are somber and affecting, combining classical motifs with a contemporary pop harmony. The result is a poignant ballad that remains easy on the ears from start to finish. You can find the video for the single on Pritzel’s Youtube 57 An introduction: Urso Polar Review by Dave Simpson channel, along with the previously released “Bad World”. The latter is another soft and solemn ballad with more of a conventional pop execution. It’s a busier composition musically, featuring a greater amount of instrumental elements at play. Once again, the vocal work is eloquent, encompassing a broad spectrum. Jessica Pritzel certainly has the The Quarantined Point the Finger Review by Lauren O'Halleron The Quarantined are an American alternative rock/rap/grunge band based in Los Angeles, California. The members of the band consist of Sean Martin on guitar/vocals, Kaspars Grinbergs on drums and Alex Diaz on bass. They are currently signed with Lucent Records. ‘Point the Finger’ is the first song to be released off the band’s upcoming commercial EP ‘Life on the Corner of the End’, due to be released on March 23rd of this year. The video for ‘Point the Finger’ was potential to make a mark on the music industry. Her expressive and innocuous sound should find favour with a vast audience and set her in the direction of chart success. “Everybody Needs a Little Love” is available for purchase on iTunes now. For further news and updates, check out jessicapritzel.com or find her on Facebook and Twitter. filmed in September 2014, and it shows the band rocking their instruments under a graffiti-laden bridge and other derelict locations, with a beautiful sunset thrown in for good measure. Martin takes up most of the camera time and quickly becomes so enamoured with the camera and creating a devilish look about himself that he fails to keep up with the song. At times his lips are clearly not matching the lyrics we’re hearing and during one particularly high vocal verse, his calm demeanour doesn’t match the aggression of his pre-recorded vocals. It can be easily excused, as it is the band’s first music video. The song itself immediately gives off a Rage Against The Machine vibe, w