PURE M Magazine
Jasper Rua Debut Album Circles
Review by James Lindsay
asper Rua, an Irish based
guitarist/instrumentalist released
his debut album ‘Circles’ on 17th
September 2014. I suppose by
track count, of there being 5 on the
album you could call it an E.P. but
these pieces average around the 8
minute mark so there’s no lack of
running time as albums go. Rua
does illuminate the fact that Circles is evolving
into a two volume album so it seems part two is
currently in the making. Jasper Rua is a
mysterious fellow with a website covered mostly
in short parables of his experiences with people
and music and how he came to playing his
instrument. The vibe is more of a journey man
with his psychedelically painted guitar thanks to
an artist named Martyna. While his website is
not a wealth of information on gig dates and
biographical setting it serves as a preface to his
exploratory approach to music. So let’s begin
with the first track ‘Circles’ itself.
I was surprised by Circles as I expected
something a little more folk-y but ambient wa H[ܙH