Pure Love Pure love | Page 60

Pure Love 47
absolutely enlightened One . The distance between non-duality , advaita and the vitarag is a hundred thousand miles of spiritual travel . And it is here that real love arises . And this love is the Supreme love . Such a love will not decrease , even if someone was to slap him , and if it does decrease , then it was not real love .
It is okay if someone hurts us , but we have to be careful that we do not hurt anyone . Only then can love flow and be experienced by others . Gradually one has to become the embodiment of pure love for everyone .
Questioner : What does it mean to become the embodiment of pure love ?
Dadashri : If a person leaves after insulting you , and returns a few minutes later , if your love for him does not diminish , that is pure love ( shuddha prem ). One needs to learn to have this kind of love , nothing else . You should have the kind of love that I show you . Will you be able to manage this before this life comes to an end ? So now learn to have such a love .
The Way To Become The Embodiment Of Love
If one understands the world exactly as it is , and then experiences it from that perspective , then he will become the embodiment of love . What does ‘ as it is ’ mean ? It means that all living beings are innocent . They are flawless . It is because of illusion that one sees faults in others .
It is an illusion if people appear good and it is also an illusion if they appear to have faults . The former is because of attachment and the latter because of detachment . In reality everyone is faultless . When you see faults in them , you cannot love them . So when you see the world as faultless , that is when pure love will arise . As long as we look upon others as