Pure Love Pure love | Page 59

46 Pure Love Questioner: Wherever we were once attracted, will that all become detached? Dadashri: Yes, that is the way! These are all the steps. Eventually one has to come to the state of the unattached, the Self. Intellect Ends Where Love Is What is God like? He is unattached. He is never attached. Questioner: Even the Gnani is unattached? Dadashri: Yes. That is why our love is constant and the same everywhere. It is equal for everyone. My love is the same for those who insult me and for those who shower me with flowers. There is no discrimination in my love and where the love is not discriminating, the intellect disappears. Love destroys intellect or else the intellect will end love. Where there is intellect, there is no love and where there is love, there is no intellect. When intellect disappears, the ego disappears. It is when nothing remains and all attachment is gone, that one becomes the embodiment of love, love incarnate. I have eternal love. I do not have any attachment for this body. I have no attachment for this speech. I have no attachment to this mind. Love Arises From Absolute Detachment Real love arises only when the ego and attachment are gone. Real love is something that is born out of absolute non- attachment (vitaragata). First, one has to become free from all dualities, only then one becomes a vitarag. Both duality (dvaita) and non-duality (advaita) are in itself a duality. Those who follow non-duality will have issues about duality. In rejecting duality, they become absorbed by duality. Nevertheless non- duality is of some benefit. It is when one goes way beyond non-duality that one will arrive at the stage of the vitarag, the