Pure Love Pure love | Page 57

44 Pure Love old child will understand what real love is. That is called love. Everything else is infatuation and attraction. Love is that which does not increase or decrease under any circumstance. All else is an illusion. And such language is also an illusion. Enmity Is Borne Out Of Attraction And Infatuation The world has seen everything except love. What the world calls love, is really infatuation and attraction, and it is because of this infatuation and attraction that these problems arise. People believe that the world is being sustained through love, but that is not so. It has arisen and is being sustained through hate. There is no foundation of love at all. It has arisen on the foundation of hate and vengeance. That is why I tell you to get rid of your hatred and settle all your accounts with equanimity. The Lord says that internal difficulties that arise out of abhorrence are beneficial. One can never be free of internal difficulties that arise out of worldly love. The whole world is trapped in such difficulties. So do not become too attached to people. Keep your distance. Do not have worldly love for anyone and do not be trapped by his or her worldly love. But you will not be liberated if you spurn someone else’s love either. Beware! If you want to be liberated, be thankful to those who oppose and contradict you. Those who shower worldly love on you bind you and those who oppose you, help you towards your final liberation. You have to free yourself from those who shower you with love, but make sure that you do not reject them in the process. It is through rejection of worldly love that this whole world has arisen.