Pure Love
Questioner: The tea does not taste sweet.
Dadashri: Yes. Similarly after realizing the Self, one will
not find the worldly life as sweet; infatuation and attraction will
disappear. Having acquired the Self, when one sustains the
state of the Self by abiding by my Agnas (Five dictates to
follow after Self-realization (Gnan Vidhi) which helps one maintain
awareness of one’s real Self), this worldly life will not appear
as attractive and binding.
Infatuation and attraction cannot be removed even if
you want to. Just as you cannot remove the force of magnetism
between a magnet and a pin, the infatuation and attraction in
humans does not go. Its power and its force can be decreased,
but it cannot be eliminated. Infatuation and attraction only go
away when one becomes the Self, the one who is never
attracted. Otherwise one is always in attraction, infatuation
and attached. As long as ‘he’ is the owner of his name and
believes, ‘I am Chandulal’, he remains attached and bound.
He is bound to his name, bound because he is a husband, a
father etc.
Questioner: So when one is not affected by
circumstances, is that real love and not infatuation?
Dadashri: No, only when the ego ends does one become
unattached, the Self. So when both the ego and attachment, ‘I’
and ‘my’ go away, then it is called the liberated detached state,
the state of the Self. But such a person is very rare.
Questioner: So there should not be any infatuation and
attraction in anything we do, we should not let karma bind…
Dadashri: But infatuation and attraction will remain in
a person, it is naturally there because the fundamental blunder
is not broken. The root cause of his blunder should be
destroyed. What is the root cause? It is his belief of ‘I am
Chandubhai’ (believing his relative self to be his real Self).