Pure Love Pure love | Page 49

36 Pure Love all the effect of merit and demerit karma but we blame others for it. It is like blaming the postman for bringing us bad news. So it is not real love when your merit karma is unfolding. You will find love only in a Gnani Purush; otherwise, there is no such thing as love in this world. Preserve Your Inner Wealth People sever their friendships over external problems. When the friendship begins, they display love externally and also feel the same love internally. But when problems arise, their conflicts too will be external and internal. There should be no conflict internally. Although the other person will not be aware of it, one should still have love for him internally. As long as there is internal harmony, one’s humanity will not be lost. One loses humanity when one loses internal harmony. Love Has No Limitations Do I not have love within me? Are you the only one who has love? Your love is confined to your wife and your children, whereas my love is limitless. Questioner: Can love be so limited that it becomes exclusive towards only one individual? Dadashri: Love has no limitations. If it has limits and is confined, then it is called infatuation and attraction. How can it be limited? If four brothers live under one roof along with their wives and children, as long as they all live together, they will say, ‘this is our home’. But when they each move away and make their own homes, they will begin to say, ‘this is our home and that is yours’. This is how limitation arises. So the love that had developed and encompassed the entire household has narrowed down upon their separation. As a whole group, their love is intact. Where there is real love, there is no limitation, or separation. It is boundless.