Pure Love
everyone through love. I talk to them with love, so things do not
get ruined; but if there were even the slightest amount of dislike,
it would spoil things. Milk can turn sour with the slightest
exposure to bad air, even if no yogurt culture is added to it.
With love, one can say anything. What I am telling you
is that the whole world is yours if you become the embodiment
of love. Wherever there is animosity, slowly change it to love.
It is because of animosity that this world appears callous.
Here in my presence, love incarnate, everyone is content and
in bliss.
How Can There Be Love Where One
Demands Appreciation?
You will not see real love in this era of the current time
cycle. A man said to me, “I love her so much and yet she
insults me!” I told him, “That is not love, no one would insult
Questioner: Is there any expectation in the love that you
are talking about?
Dadashri: Expectation? There is no expectation in love.
There is equal love towards the alcoholic as well as the one
who is sober. There is no expectation in love. Love never
expects anything. Love is beyond all relative dualities.
Questioner: Everyone has expectations and want people
to have nice words for them. No one likes insults.
Dadashri: If one wishes to be appreciated, it is not love,
but infatuation and attraction. It is all an illusion.
People who expect love are foolish. People will only
address you with love if your merit karma is unfolding. Relative,
worldly love is the result of merit karma. When your demerit
karma unfolds, your own brother, will insult and hurt you, even
if you have been there at his side during all his troubles. This is