Punkstream ONLINE (English version) 02/03 2018 | Page 40

The second hero is Widow- maker. Her real name is Amélie Lacroix, she is 33 ye- ars old and she comes from France. Widowmaker is the perfect killer. Patient, mer- ciless and effective killer, who doesn’t show any emo- tions, nor compunction. It is assumed that in her past life she was married to Gé- rard Lacriox – agent of Overwatch, who was the lea- der of the operation against Talon, a terroristic organi- sation. After few unsucces- sful attempts to kill Gerard, Talon decided to focus their aim on Amélie. Agents of Talon kidnapped Amélie and subjected her to intensive programme. They broke her will, suppressed her charac- ter and made a night killer out of her. In the end, she was found by the Overwatch agents and came back to her ordina- ry life. Two weeks later she killed Gérard while he was sleeping. Her mission was done and she returned to Talon, where they made a li- ving weapon out of her. She was given a wide training about secrecy and in the end she achieved a physical change in the form of dras- tical slowing of the heart, 38 which changed her overall appearance. She has a blue skin and lost het ability of feeling human emotions. Amélie is gone forever. Now, Widowmaker is the most effective killer and despi- te everything a little bit of feelings remains, and that is the satisfaction of a suc- cessful work. Her skills are: Widow‘s kiss – her universal sniper gun which is ideal for a long ranges. In the close or mean range, the gun can be used as a fully automatic gun. Another skill is umbrel- la hook, which gets her at the hardly reachable places. Venom Mine is venomous mine, which is most of time at the walls. When the object goes by, mine is activated and launches venomous gas, which kills all the enemies. Article by: Chrumka Sources of pictures: 1. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=xesiBn9R7sg 2. https://www.theodysseyonline. com/why-no-one-will-shut-up- about-overwatch 3. https://overwatch.gamepedia. com/Torbjörn 4. https://overwatch.gamepedia. com/Widowmaker