The first is Torbjörn. His
full name is Torbjörn Lind-
holm, he is 57 years old and
he is from Sweden. He is
clever engineer, thanks to
whose had Overwatch the
most advanced weapons.
Torbjörn had a deep disbe-
lief in the robotic inteligen-
ce, but his worst fears came
true, when the robot popu-
lation turned itself against
their human creators. Than-
ks to his skills, he was atta-
ched to the team Overwach
and a lots of his inventions
are inseparable part of the
end of crisis. However, be-
cause of the breakdown of
Overwatch, a lot of Torb-
jörn‘s weapons were stolen
or hidden all over the world.
Torbjörn has a feeling of res-
ponsibility for his weapons,
so he is determined to pre-
vent weapons to get into
the wrong hands and not to
harm anyone.
His task is defense and his
basic skills are: Rivet gun,
which he can shoot rivets
with for a long range and for
a short range he will shoot
melted metal. Next one is a
hammer, which he uses for
building, repairing and boos-
ting turrets. Or it can also be
used as a meelee weapon.
Torbjörn is building turrets
and he can boost them by
collecting parts of dead ene-
mies and teammates. He
also makes boosted armor
for him and his teammates,
which is giving 50 armor.