Critics weren’t very pleased
with the album and mostly
they rated it as a disappoint-
ment. But the fans accepted
this album positively. The
success of the album en-
sured songs like “Eccentric”,
“Victim of Choices”, “Life’s
Vortex” or “Blind Pain”.
Next band which releases a
new album is Within Temp-
tation. During those times
the band has been already
well-known so it was a high-
ly anticipated album which
of course didn’t disappoint.
The name of the album is
The Silent Force and we can
find some legendary songs
of the band on this album
like “See Who I Am”, “Stand
My Ground” or ballads “An-
gels” and “Memories”.
Norwegian band Sirenia
doesn’t lag behind and they
release their second studio
album An Elixir for Existance
with a new singer Henriette
The year 2005 brings us new
big steps and some huge
events. We will start with
the big steps. In Nether-
lands, two big names make
an appearance on the scene
again. Epica releases their
second studio album Con-